Jasmina Sermijn

Jasmina Sermijn

Jasmina Sermijn, PhD is clinical psychologist, systemic therapist, supervisor and trainer. Her interest areas focus on the practice of narrative and collaborative systemic therapy, postmodern philosophy, including especially the way identity is narratively co- constructed in and through interaction and dialogue. In her PhD dissertation she researched the interaction between psychiatric diagnoses and the co-construction of the self. She published several books and articles about that topic. Click here for a list of publications.

In her therapeutic work Jasmina is dedicated to creatively co-researching preferred ways of living with individual clients, families and small communities. She likes to cross borders between different fields of practice (philosophy, psychology, theatre, film) and ways of storytelling in an attempt to expand opportunities for linking individual experience to wider socio-cultural contexts. In her training work she tries to co-create collaborative learning communities where people can inspire each other and new ideas can be born.

Jasmina currently works as a therapist in Hestia – Centre for psychotherapy. She is a member of the training staff of vzw Rapunzel (Diest) & Euthopia (Breda) – both training institutes for family therapy. She is also an associate member of the Taos Institute, a trainer of ICCP community and freelance trainer and supervisor for different institutions and organisations. As a supervisor she is accredited by the BVRGS and NVRG.